Compilation of Potential Paper Figures

Part 1 – Figures that show changes to the equatorial Pacific / the ENSO state.

Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) for 15 years following the soot injection for all 6 scenarios. Good depiction of how quickly the atmosphere evolves into an El Nino state.

Relative Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Nino 3.4 region for 15 years following the soot injection for all 6 scenarios. Highlights quick response of the ocean to an El Nino state.

Sea Surface Height Gradient across the equatorial Pacific for 15 years following the soot injection. A direct measure of the quick response of the ocean to atmospheric dynamics.

Maps of SSTs, zonal wind anomalies in the months after the soot injection.

Plot of reduction in upwelling. Shows the deviation from the normal amount of upwelling along the equator. Also have plots showing vertical velocity anomaly, which is decidedly negative along the equator.

Purpose of figure 1: To demonstrate how the equatorial Pacific ENSO state is evolving after the soot injection. How do we do this?

Ideas: Multi-panel plot showing change in SOI and SSH gradient, which together show that the atmosphere and the ocean are quickly working together to create this El Nino state.

OR include a map of westerly wind anomalies and relative SSTs along the Pacific Ocean in the fall after the soot injection.

Part 2 – Figures that show why changes to the ENSO state are happening.

Hovmoller showing SSH gradient, RSSTs, U, etc. in the Pacific Ocean

Plot showing change in ITCZ latitude in the Pacific Ocean

Plot showing reduction in Hadley circulation across the Pacific Ocean

Plot showing shift in precipitation with latitude across the Pacific

Monthly wind maps to show wave coming off Africa?

Walker Circulation reduction plots:

Updated 4/4/2019